Happy Holidays everyone!
Best way to start this amazing holiday season is to take some family pictures.
Since I don't have any kids yet I made sure to include my lovely
Minnie (4 yr old Maltese).
Last year a close friend was kind enough to use us for a photography homework and we had a little photo shoot for Christmas. Check it out
But this year I really wanted to include my Bf Ronnie and his dog too. All these pictures were taken with my regular Canon camera and tripod. ha ha =)We had loooots of fun taking these as you can tell in the following pics. We took like 150 pics total since my camera was setup to just snap, snap, snap. At the end I choose the best.
Let me know what you think of our little photo shoot.I hope you all have a beautiful holiday season full of blessings and surrounded by your loved ones and of course your pets!
I wish you all the best of times and use this time of the year to get closer to people and show them how much you love them; not just with presents even though it is a plus! :)
Let me know if you have taken your family pics for this year and share them with me.
And now on to the funny ones.
Sniff, sniff... |
Bonez is too hyper! |
This is what our actual cards look like.
*super cheap at Sams Club. 30/$10.50
*photo taken with my phone.
My handsome Bf Ronnie and
Bonez his 2 yr old Tri Pitbull.
The end.